2023 - The year of Change
As we approach the final event of the Season, the FMS Rumble on the Reef Championship event, we take a look back at the year that was, and all of the steps skateboarding has made along the way.
We have a tour
It’s been a long time coming, but we now have a skateboarding tour in Australia we can continue to support and grow, a 4 stop annual series which will be completed after Mackay will landmark a day in history for Australian Skateboarders to have a league that’s here for years to come.
The Redbank event was added to complete a 4 stop series in Australia for the first time.
Skateboarding gets a boost from BMD Group
The BMD group, who first supported the rumble during Covid at the Mackay Event, signed a 3 year naming rights partnership to assist the league to grow and develop. This has been instrumental in the survival and growth of the league, and BMD is such an amazing business leader in sport, supporting such a huge number of sports and programs, we are proud to be part of their portfolio.
The Series is the BMD Rumble for the 2023, 2024 and 2025 Seasons
Wellbeing comes forward
The Rumble series partnered with Flip Insurance, and changed the entire landscape of major competitions. Previously skateboarders would need to sign a waiver to compete at events, leaving them with no support in case of injury. The 2023 Season events have had accidental injury cover for competing athletes, supporting them with injuries and greatly improving the welfare options for competitors.
Flip Insurance brought in injury cover for the first time in competitions.
Our partnership with CQ university was very strategic, with CQ uni having online courses, VET Courses and an understanding of sport. CQ uni will help skateboarders find education pathways and support them on their career journey with flexible learning.
Educating our competitors and community will help us have more ownership over our sport.
Prize Money
The prize money improvement has been something we have been particularly proud of.
Prize Money increased $34,000 in one financial year, bringing a lot more funds into skateboarders hands.
More events like Redbank and Newcastle put more money into skateboarders hands.
Support to Educate Skateboarders with Financial Literacy and budgeting tools
Our partnership with Nine25 app, is absolutely perfect to help us assist skateboarders on their journey and close the struggle. The app has a ton of features rolling out that will be able to support skateboarders with budgeting, investing and financial literacy into the future.
Broadcast & Exposure assisting to grow skateboarding to a new audience
Our broadcast of the Season on Kommunity TV, has seen consistent broadcast across the events, with broadcast quality improving at each stop. The additional benefits of the broadcast on the platform has been Newscorps coverage across the Courier Mail, Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun and Adelaide Advertiser, giving skateboarders much needed exposure to a bigger audience than seen before.
Highest number of competitors to date & Season Champions
Even though with costs of travel and people competing as less events due to travel costs, the highest number of competitors to date have competed in both the Am and BMD Leagues.
The Finals in Mackay will also announce the Season Rankings Champions for the first time in history.
Championships gets a boost
The legends at Field Mining Services group, have supported the Championship event in Mackay for 3 years, helping build the skateboarding, Wakeboarding, Music & more and develop skateboardings profile across Australia. The event encompassing all of the sports is the FMS Rumble on the Reef for 23,24 and 2025.
See you all for the final event of the year next month!